Sunday, February 28, 2010

Attack of Abscess Season

With all the wet weather, we're back into the season for the abscess. Wait?!?! It's just February, and we are well into standing water? Back home in Virginia Beach, and up here in Blacksburg alike, the winter weather has proven most bothersome. With large quantities of rain and snow, I can't remember when it was truly dry last.

I'm watching it snow outside, and thinking to myself... Great, more icy coldness! However, what is building in the back of my brain is the fact that with a little sunshine, all the white will melt into mush. And mush means... ABSCESS. For you up and comers, this means a nasty infection in the hoof that will render a totally sound horse 3-legged lame the next day.

So, when the abscess strikes, it's time to start making decisions. Do you treat it by yourself or call the vet/farrier to dig it out? If you are practically positive it's an abscess and feel comfortable, try treating it yourself. Invest in stock of duct tape, vet wrap, and a good package of diapers. Soak and wrap away for a few days until the abscess works its way out, then use iodine to keep it clean for a few days.

We all hate an abscess. It pops up out of nowhere and it always seems to come at the worst time (like your week to work late, or the day before a big show). The issue isn't the abscess itself this year; We've been dealing with them for a long time. The crazy aspect right now is the weather. With all the wet, and it being so early, I can guarantee there is far more to come.

Let's call this... The year of the abscess...


What do you think about all of this?